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04/06/2020 10:38 PM 

The Game is On.

FOR: Hex Girl
The Game is On
Rembrandt/ 1593610
There was only one way to get back into Mystic Falls without being overtly spotted. He’d been planning this for some time now. Klaus Mikaelson had been watching the Salvatore Brothers from a distance. His eyes and ears in Mystic Falls told him that the doppelganger was there and was under the watchful eye of the two brothers that had been turned by Katherine Pierce back in 1864. He’d already put the fear of God into them already thanks to Elijah’s interference. They were anticipating his arrival. It just wasn’t going to be the way they had anticipated it.

The two witches he had ready and willing to do the transference had already prepared to have their subject become the home of Klaus’ conscience for his chance to get close to all of them. He could see for himself who they were and how powerful they all were. He climbed into the coffin and lay perfectly still as the spell began. He was perfectly content that no one in Mystic Falls would anticipate his next move. He was the apex predator now and had been for over 1000 years.

Eyelids fluttered shut as the body he was born into was put into a temporary stasis. Nothing would happen to his body because of the ace in the hole that Klaus had with the Martin family. Jonas would do anything to make sure that Greta would be unharmed. Greta was so enamored of Klaus he’d had her wrapped around his little finger. Elijah was supposed to be keeping the Martin family in check. Klaus was counting on it. It had been over 1000 years since his hybrid side had been bound. The time to break the spell was well overdue.

The chosen vessel for Klaus’ infiltration into Mystic Falls High School came in the form of one Alaric Saltzman. Saltzman was already a prime candidate given that he had been married to Isobel Fleming. The sweet and pristine doppelganger Elena Gilbert was the bastard child of Saltzman’s former wife. It was really such a convoluted bloodline. Klaus found it nearly as treacherous as his own. Klaus had been raised as the child of one man even though he was the bastard of another. No wonder the Petrova blood was so tied in with the whole bloody stinking mess.

The next thing he knew, the sound of the chanting of the spell was a low drone. The drifting aspect of his consciousness was finally being installed directly into the body of the alcoholic school teacher who moonlighted as a vampire hunter. The whole thing was so perfectly constructed, Klaus was actually proud of himself for not leaving any detail untouched. The disembodied essence of Klaus Mikaelson was being guarded by the spell and incantation of two very powerful witches who were completely and utterly devoted to him. How could anything go wrong?

The world around him began to take on form and substance again. The sounds of the incantations grew louder. Klaus could feel that the body he was moving into was on his knees. He could feel the carpet beneath his knees and the chill of the air conditioning in the room. The spell was over. Klaus opened his new eyes slowly. “Excellent…” The voice that came forward when he moved his mouth was not the dapper one he had been used to for well over 1000 years. His lips curled upward and parted in that devious smile that was pure Klaus. He stood to his feet slowly. This man was taller than Klaus himself was, so that would take a slight adjustment for him to walk. It was of no consequence. Klaus was an Original. He could adjust without a problem.

The presence of Greta Martin at his side told Klaus that he was still well protected even now. What Klaus saw next made him absolutely beam with malevolent joy. Katerina was standing there with her flippant attitude. “And what are you looking at?” She folded her arms over one another with her weight shifted to her back foot. She was glaring at the face of the man she thought was Alaric Saltzman.

She was wrong.

“Now now Katerina.” The tone in his voice was still familiar but yet all too different since he was in the body of a mortal. The shock of brown was full and covering his forehead. They say that the eyes are the windows of the soul. When Katerina heard his voice and met his eyes, all the color drained from her skin. “Now you know.”

“Klaus…” She spoke silently as though she’d seen a ghost. She started to take several steps backward to avoid him. The feeble attempt was nothing but that, just an attempt.

He spoke with calming even tones. Even though he was still in the body of a mortal, he was still an Original. “You will stay here until I tell you that you can leave.” He compelled her to stay because it was finally his time to shine. Klaus was in control on all levels. The curse was going to be broken soon. First he had to find out who was all in the corner of Elena Gilbert and the Salvatore Brothers.

Katherine was in no position to argue. She would not be able to leave this dumpy apartment that belonged to the hunter/schoolteacher. She began to wonder if this was going to be her tomb. She immediately sat in the nearest chair even though her expression was not too happy in the slightest.

Klaus in the body of Alaric Saltzman started to laugh. “Now I have to get ready. It’s time for school.” He had a swagger in his step as he made his way toward Greta Martin. She was going to give him what he needed to get into the hallowed halls of Mystic High.

Later that morning

The classroom of Alaric Saltzman was relatively empty. Students all began to file into the room as the period bell rang. After the last student walked in, what they thought was their teacher joined the room. “Well look at all these eager young faces.” He grinned. It wasn’t the typical greeting that Saltzman had with his students. He had stopped along the way here to send a message to Elena and her group using compelled students. Klaus was most anxious to meet her according to the students who met up with Elena in the hall on the way here. Alaric was actually sly smirking at the fact that Elena looked completely unnerved. He assumed his message was just given.

Now to watch the pieces fall into place.
credit: james kriet


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