Demonic Soul

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03/08/2020 03:36 PM 

The Walking Dead Multi-Muse Mondays drabbles

The farm was overrunning with walkers. One minute everything had been fine and the next? Complete and utter chaos. Her brother was missing, having gone off searching for Randall alongside Rick. Walkers were closing in on her from all sides. Nothing but a hatchet between them. Her arrows had run out ages ago when they were first attacked. It was a herd. Probably the same herd they had saw on the highway when Sophia had gone missing. The fact that they had been so close to get to the farm was scary, but Samantha did not have time to worry about that. She had to find her brother. She had to find everyone else. She had to survive. She steeled herself, raising the hatchet high in the air before bringing it down on the head of a lunging walker. The sound it made would have had Samantha gagging at the very beginning, but she was used to the wet sound it made as it came in contact with rotting flesh. She jerked the hatchet out, swinging on another walker that had gotten too close for comfort. She dodged what walkers she could get past, her senses on high alert.

How Samantha had survived and made her way away from the farm she did not know. But she had made it to safety. She had run into Glenn and Maggie and between the three of them they had met up with the rest of the group. Samantha looked around, frowning when she did not see her brother Shane anywhere. Rick was missing too. But then she saw him: Rick Grimes. He was alone and Samantha just knew what happened. Or she thought she knew what happened until Rick looked over the group and uttered words that nearly knocked Samantha off her feet. I killed Shane. Those words echoed through her mind. Her stomach turned and she felt faint. “What” the word came out in a gasp as she literally stumbled into the car behind her. Rick moved forwards, hands out in the universal sign of non-threatening. Samantha could see his mouth moving, knew words were coming out of his mouth but could not hear the words coming out. Her stomach turned and she found herself bent over, getting sick.

She felt hands on her, and she snapped, lashing out. Her fist connected with Rick’s face and he stumbled backwards, not expecting the punch. “Don’t touch me!” she snarled, stumbling backwards from Rick. “Don’t you dare f***ing touch me!” All eyes were on her. She could feel tears pricking the corner of her eyes, but she refused to break down and cry. These people did not deserve to see her like that. She could see Daryl out of the corner of her eyes, hand on his crossbow as if he was going to have to use it. Carl looked like he was torn between his father and the woman who had treated him like more then just a child. Lori’s face was turned away. The rest of the group were looking around to make sure the noise didn’t alert any walkers or were looking at the altercation between Rick and Sam. “Shane lured me out to kill me. I had no choice. He made me do it. He forced my hand, Sam.” Sam growled, shaking her head. Now that the initial shock of hearing of her brother’s death was over, she was seeing red.

She wanted to do nothing but put the hatchet still in her hand into Rick’s head: over and over again until there was nothing but a bloody mess. But she knew better. If she did that, she would join her brother in an early grave. She spun on her heels, throwing the back door of the car she was leaning against open. She snatched up the duffle bag that she had packed for herself in case sh*t hit the fan. Her brother had been planning on leaving. Sam had been planning on leaving with Shane, but that night Shane told her that he was staying. He told her that Lori had asked him to stay and for her he would. Samantha always told Shane that that whore was going to be the death of him….and his obsession with her had gotten him killed. “What are you doing?” She glared at Rick, duffle bag on her shoulder. “I am leaving before I put an arrow between your eyes. Or your whore of a wife's head. I told him that f***ing bitch would be his f***ing death. I told him to stop thinking with his d*ck. Justified or not that was MY brother. I cannot…. I will NOT stay with his killer even if it was justified. He had planned to leave and then your wife talked him out of it. I refuse to stay here.” She spat out the word wife as if it was the most disgusting thing on the planet. She turned on her heels, tossing off Glenn’s hand as he tried to stop her. She left the group behind, blinking tears out of her eyes as she headed into the dark. She couldn’t believe Shane was dead. She would not see her brother ever again. Her brother hadn’t been killed by walkers but by his best friend…. or ex-best friend. Either way her brother was gone.
2 months later
After Sam had left the group behind, she had wandered until she had come face to face with someone that she had thought was dead. That seemed to happen a lot with her. Merle Dixon had appeared before her one day, that disgusting taunting smirk on his face as he forced her towards a place, she would be asked to call home. Being a doctor before the outbreak had happened, helped her out greatly. The Governor -a man who quite frankly did not sit well with Sam- had found out from Merle that she use to be one and had asked her to stay. Having nowhere else to go and getting really tired of having to move from home to home every day to keep ahead of walkers, she decided to take the offer. She would be helping the resident doctor, Dr Stevens with the survivors. She found out the place was called Woodbury and that was how she became a resident there. When she had known Merle Dixon at the Quarry, she had not liked him one bit. He was crude, disgusting and a d*ck. He still was but since Merle had to come every few months to make sure the stump where his hand once was, was good to go, she saw a different side of him sometimes.

One of those times there he had stopped, looked straight at her and had asked her what happened to the group. She knew why he was asking. He didn’t care about the rest of them…just Daryl. She explained everything that happened from the day Daryl went to look for him until the night of the farm when Rick had killed her brother. He seemed satisfied to know that his brother had still been alive a couple of months ago and had left. For some reason every time Merle came back, he would stay for awhile afterwards and talk with her. And Samantha did not know why but she talked with him. They talked about before the outbreak, when they were at the Quarry together, what happened afterwards when Merle sawed off his own hand, up to when he was found by the Governor. They talked about Shane’s downward spiral into madness because of Lori. They talked about Sophia and how she had been bit by a walker. They talked about that night on the farm when Sam had found out Rick had killed her brother in cold blooded murder. She had been pissed at the time and had still been pissed but talking with Merle about it had put it into perspective. She couldn’t blame Rick…hell she couldn’t even blame Lori. The only person to blame was her brother. She had thanked Merle that night. It might not have been his intentions but that anger she felt towards Rick was gone. Whatever the reason was for these talks, Sam looked forward to them every time.

Four months later: Spring
Samantha always got up at 5 in the morning. She would get up, run around Woodbury a couple of times before coming back to the house. She would use the water that was collected and distributed to the residents to clean herself up before she would get dressed and head towards Dr. Stevens. Today was just like the other days except she had ran into Merle during her run. It wasn’t rare to see the man around, but it was rare to see him up so early in the morning. Either he would still be asleep or out on a supply run. She stopped, wiping sweat from her forehead before pushing her hair out of her face. “Fancy seeing you out here. The sloth has gotten up very early today.” Merle looked at her, “F*** off.” She arched a brow, taken aback at the force behind the words. He was being an extra douche today it would seem. She shrugged her shoulders and kept on her way. That encounter had surprised her, and it was at the back of her mind the whole time until Merle had appeared before her. “We in a better mood now?” “That blond with the sister is here.” Samantha frowned, not knowing what Merle was talking about. “Blond with a sister?” “The one from the Quarry.” Andrea!? Andrea was here. She was alive and well? “Are you sure?” Merle glared at her, “Of course I am sure. I’m the one who brought her back along with that ugly bitch.” Sam rolled her eyes, wanting to ask who the ugly bitch was but knew better. If it was someone not like Merle it would be nothing but racist, sexist or damn near Neanderthal…. or all of the above knowing Merle.

He left shortly afterwards, and Samantha wondered if Rick and the group was close by. She had not remembered if Andrea had been there that last night. It had been so long or so it had seemed. She told Dr. Stevens that she was taking an early out basically and ran out of the building. It did not take long for Sam to find Andrea and once she did the blond and her hugged. “Why are you here? Is Rick here? What happened to you?” Andrea had explained how that night at the farm she had gotten separated from the group. That she had been saved by a mysterious woman named Michonne. And how she had been traveling with Michonne until they had run into Merle. Samantha laughed at that. What a coincidence that her and Andrea had both found out about Woodbury because of the same crude man. Then it was Samantha’s turn to talk about the night at the farm. She told her how the group had come together alongside Beth, Maggie and Hershel. She told Andrea about Rick and his confession of killing Shane. Andrea looked taken aback at the part. Samantha told her about how pissed off she had been that she felt like killing Rick.

She had told her how she had left the group and had wandered for months before also running into Merle. She explained how Merle brought her before The Governor who had asked her to stay because of her background of being a doctor before the outbreak. They both wondered out loud if Rick and the group was alive or if they had been taken out by walkers along the months. It was wishful thinking, Sam thought. They talked into the night but eventually Andrea and Samantha parted ways. Samantha had thought that was going to be the only surprise she was going to get for a while. But she was wrong. A week later Samantha had been treating the wounded from an attack during the night. No one knew who it was but The Governor and who he thought was worthy of knowing: which was his security. Samantha had wanted to ask Merle what had happened, but he had never showed up. She was slightly worried, hoping that nothing had happened to the redneck: she had heard that there had been some casualties.  It wouldn’t be until a night later when she was standing around the walker arena when she would find out what had happened.

The Governor had asked for everyone to gather there the night after the attack on Woodbury. He revealed that there was a group at the Prison who had attacked them. He went on and on about how they needed to work together to avenge the dead ones. That the people at the prison were dangerous: how he had captured one of those prison folks that night. He talked about how they had a traitor in the mist and that he was going to be taken care of tonight. He had brought the man before the group who were now almost blood thirsty. The hood came off and Samantha gasped. Daryl. Merle’s very own brother. The Governor then pointed Merle out as the traitor, and he was shoved to stand next to Daryl. She took a step forward, ready to say something when she caught Merle’s eyes. He had spotted her in the crowd and the look he gave her was one of ‘Just be quiet or you’ll be here with us’ looks. She bit her tongue, tasting blood. She knew Merle better then that. He would not betray Woodbury. He wouldn’t do the things The Governor was trying to accuse him of. The order given was to fight until they were dead.

She couldn’t just stand there. She had to do something. She was a doctor. Pointless death was something that she couldn’t stand idly by and let happened. She was going to do something very stupid even if it got her killed. The crowd was going crazy, wanting Merle’s head for his betrayal. Wanting Daryl’s head for harming and killing those in Woodbury. Merle and Daryl started fighting, and when it became too easy the walkers were being led out. Sam’s hand tightened on her gun at her hip, taking a step forward. She couldn’t stand by any longer. The Governor was crazy. She knew something was off about him, but she always ignored it. Now she could not. She was in the middle of pulling the gun out when out of nowhere shots were fired and then smoke grenades were thrown into the crowd.  “Merle!” Her voice was drowned out by the chaos that was ensuing. She tried to move through the smoke: trying to find him. She bumped into someone, which almost made her unbalanced. She brought up her gun, ready to fire if it was someone that she needed to fire on. She ended up face to face with Daryl, Merle a little way behind him. “You’re not coming with us.” “F*** you Merle. I will do whatever I want.”  

Sam ignored Daryl, striding past him and snatched Merle by the arm. “Now let’s go before you get yourself or one of us killed.” Merle snickered, “Come on little brother. You heard the little girl.” Sam shook her head, as they all ran out of Woodbury. When they got to safety and were found by the rest of the gang, Sam stood in front of Merle with Daryl and Rick: protecting him from the others who did not want to see him or wanted him to pay for what he did to Glenn and Maggie (which Sam knew nothing about). She winced as Rick clocked Merle a good one and he was out. When they got to the prison Samantha immediately looked over Merle, ignoring the looks she was given. She was a doctor: everyone was treated the same. She stayed close by where they had locked him up at, ready to do something if the others ignored Rick’s orders. Why she was so protecting of Merle, Samantha did not know but she was. “Watching me to make sure I stay good?” Sam smiled at the sound of Merle’s voice. So, the bastard had woken up. “You? Good? Ha! As if.” She knew the Governor was planning something, no way would he let what had happened to go unpunished. Hopefully this place was ready for an all-out war because that was what they asked for when they attacked Woodbury.


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Demonic Soul


May 3rd 2021 - 1:15 AM

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The pain started in her back. She thought nothing of it. Just thinking it was the weight of her belly. Or maybe her darling pain the ass daughter was kicking at her again. She loved a particular spot in her kidneys. She went on with her day at The Kingdom. Merle had left and stayed gone even after the war with Negan and the Saviors had been finished: Daryl had left with him but then came back and stuck by her side even though her husband Mark did not like it one bit. She had to constantly remind him that just because he proudly called this baby his daughter did not mean it was biologically his and so Daryl had every damn right to be near her and the unborn niece inside of her. She tried asking Daryl about Merle but obviously the asshole told him to keep a tight lid because he always got this look on his face and shook his head. So she had stopped but she could swear that some nights she saw Daryl writing on a piece of paper then handing it to one of their runners. So maybe Merle was keeping tabs on her. The pain though started to get worse through the day. Maybe she was overworking herself? After all she was ready to pop any day now. She should be relaxing: Mark kept telling her that but lately Sam wanted as far away from her suffocating husband. Her son was starting to see it so he tried his hardest to keep his father away. She started to head back home, knowing that she had no choice now.

She had only taken a couple of steps when a sharp pain ran through her side: as if someone had stabbed her right there. She was doubled over, hand lashing out to grab onto something so she didn’t go crashing into the ground. A strong grip on her brought her back to reality. She blinked tears of pain out of her eyes. “You okay?” She glanced up at Daryl who was watching her: worry in his eyes but otherwise nothing showed outwardly. She knew this pain. Felt it with her son. Her daughter was on the way. “I think your niece wants to say hi to the world.” “What?” Sam laughed, cringing in pain not the long afterwards. “Take me home and then get Carol.” “What about your husband?” Sam frowned, “Is it wrong of me to say fuck him?” Daryl smirked, “Well he has been annoying you so I wouldn’t blame that answer.” Knowing Mark he was probably at the house already. Waiting to annoy her in his attempts to being there for her. For a psychiatrist he was a real idiot sometimes. By the time Daryl had got her home, the pain was coming on stronger. She wasn’t there quite yet. Contractions too far apart. And her water hadn’t broken yet. Sure enough Mark was there and he was immediately at her side: almost snatching her from Daryl. Daryl’s fingers twitched, as if he wanted to put them into a fist and into Mark’s face. Instead he spun around to run off and get Carol.

She shrugged her husband off as soon as she was close to her bed, carefully getting settled. She didn’t know how damn long this was going to take. She was focusing on her breathing and keeping time on her contractions when Carol came into the home. It was still surprising to see Carol with long hair after being around her for so long with short hair. She gently shooed Mark out of the way, coming to her side. “How are you doing?” “Fine. Contractions are still too far apart…and water hasn’t broken. So it’s just a waiting game. Although I need this little brat to get out.” Carol laughed, “Well let’s talk about something else to hopefully keep your mind off the pain. Have you finally thought of a name for the little one? You can’t exactly go around calling her girl or something like that.” Samantha took a deep breath, her gaze flickering to Mark before speaking, “Actually I have.” She bit her bottom lip before just silently saying ‘Fuck it’ and spoke, “Sophia Beth Dixon.” The reactions she was expecting appeared. Carol’s eyes filled with tears that she didn’t release. Daryl’s breath seemed to catch in his throat for a second before resuming properly and Mark immediately stood up, an “Absolutely not,” escaping his mouth. Sam glared at him. “You are not giving him that last name.” “I made up my mind.” “Sam.” “Don’t Sam me, Mark. I have made up my mind and that’s that.” Mark looked like he wanted to say more but with the looks Carol and Daryl were giving him he only said, “We’ll talk about this later.” Sam rolled her eyes, “No we will not but keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better about yourself.”

Maybe she was being a little harsh on him but Sam was tired of the acting. Acting as if she was okay that Merle made her choice with him. Acting as if she was okay with Mark telling everyone that the baby was his no matter whose sperm created it. Acting as if she was fine with Mark talking bad about Merle as if he knew him personally. Acting as if she was still in love with her husband when the damn one-armed use to be thug asshole was in her dreams every night. She took a breath, “Daryl.” Daryl nodded, “I’ll drag his ass back here if I have to.” And with that he was turning on his heels and out of the bedroom. “He’s not stepping foot in here.” Mark spoke. “He is….And you are getting out of here.” Carol finally had enough, she was standing up and glaring at Mark. “You are upsetting the patient and in turn could be upsetting the child. Get out.” “That’s my wife.” “I said get out. If you do not I will make sure Ezekiel hears about this. She’s the pregnant one not you. Now get out.” Mark looked ready to argue but her son’s voice came into the room, “Dad please. You’re upsetting mom.” With that Mark left the room without another word. “He’s absolutely insufferable.” Carol sighed, taking a seat on the bed. “He wasn’t always.” Samantha shrugged, her eyes closing. “Do you think Merle will come?” “If he doesn’t Daryl will hogtie him and make him come…..But something tells me he will come without that.” Sam opened her eyes, staring straight at Carol. “Something?” Carol laughed, “Let’s just say a little birdie has been keeping him up on thing.” Daryl and the runner. She was right.

She didn’t know how long she was there. The pain getting worse along with the contraptions. With Cain she was able to get an epidural. Here though she didn’t have the pleasure of being in a hospital bed where drugs could be given to her. It was all natural here. The contractions were getting closer in time and her water had finally broken yet there was still no Daryl and Merle. She wanted to wait. But the baby did not. Carol had finally let Mark back in the room, needing the extra hands to get her ready to start pushing. He was trying to be calming, helping her breath but Sam didn’t need that. She needed this damn baby out. And she had yelled that at him while probably crushing his hand in her grasp as Carol finally told her to push. By now the whole Kingdom knew about the little baby that was going to grace their doorsteps, so when they saw Daryl return with a man that they recognized as part of Rick’s gang they moved out of the way: curious as to why this man was here. It hadn’t been made acknowledgeable that the baby’s father was this man. “Okay Sam. I know this is hard but I need you to push. On a count of three.” “Breath in Sam. Remember the breathing technique.” “Shut up Mark.” Sam snarled, before silently counting down with Carol before she was pushing again. The sound of the door slamming open was cut off by the powerful wail of a baby. Sam sighed, the pressure gone as she slumped back into the bed. A small scuffle was heard but she was too tired to focus on it, then rough fingers were running through her hair. “Hey.” Sam blinked, her gaze locking on the man beside her. Mark was behind him probably silently fuming but Sam didn’t care.

Merle was here. She smiled softly, “Hey asshole…You’re late.” He gazed off towards what she expected was their daughter. “Yeah about seven months late.” “It’s cool. I was nine months late.” She laughed softly, finally getting a glimpse of her daughter as Carol gently handed her to Sam. She would need a proper bath but for now this was the best they got. “Hey little one. You almost ripped mommy in two. Already taking after your daddy I see.” Merle snorted, rolling his eyes, “Wasn’t complaining with me.” Mark made a noise as if someone had strangled him but thankfully kept his mouth shut. “Okay. Everyone out. I need to clean up the baby and make our proud mom at least somewhat presentable.” Carol shooed them all out. “That includes you Merle. Out.” “Grown a pair I see.” Merle smirked at Carol before stepping out with his brother. “And no fighting.” Carol warned before closing the door behind them. Carol came back to the bed, “How are you feeling?” she asked as she gently took the baby from Sam, keeping an eye on her as she finally recognized the discomfort that was herself on her bed. She was never going to sleep on it again. She was determined to leave with Merle: her son was old enough now to make his own decisions and her husband? Well she had moved on with her life without him when she thought he was dead: and for some god-awful reason fell in love with a racist, sexist asshole. Oh how Shane would be pissed if he was here. She sighed, “Shane would have loved her.” Carol froze in what she was doing, frowning but not saying anything.

This was the start of a new life for Sam. Once the baby and she had been cleaned up and ready to move to another bed while Carol tried salvaging the bed and sheets: Sam passed the baby off to Merle and told him to leave. Mark looked resigned. As if he already knew what she was going to say. “Mark…..I thought you dead. If I had known you were alive I would have found you but I didn’t. I moved on with my life. Merle isn’t a good person: far from it really but…” She trailed off, not knowing how to continue. “I know. I was trying to act as if we hadn’t had a whole apocalypse and years of not knowing the other was alive or dead and trying to continue on with our life as if it didn’t happen. I wanted it so bad I refused to listen to you. I made you miserable.” Sam sighed, reaching for his hand “I love you. I always will. You were my childhood sweetheart. Meant to be together. But things happened.” “Merle happened.” She shook her head, “We both know I would have never ran into Merle if all this didn’t happen.” “But you don’t regret it.” She shook her head, “No…I don’t.” Mark smiled, “It is fine. You cannot change how you feel and I cannot make you change it. I understand. As much as it hurts: that baby needs to know her real father and be happy.” With that he pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead and left: Merle reentering with the baby. “So…What did you name her?” “Sophia Beth Dixon.” “My last name huh? I like it.”

Demonic Soul


May 11th 2020 - 2:29 AM

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Hilltop. Not much was told about Hilltop other then they could help with the whole Negan situation. After Samantha had told Merle about the pregnancy, he immediately didn’t like Samantha doing anything. As if she was an invalid. It was cute knowing that he didn’t want anything to happen to the fetus growing inside of her, but it annoyed the shit out of Samantha at the same time. She wasn’t a damsel in distress that needed everyone else to do things for her. So, when Merle tried telling her ‘No’ with coming with the group to Hilltop, Samantha had snapped at him. Which of course got the attention of everyone. So, Samantha had flat out told everyone what was going on. She was pregnant. And it was Merle’s. The looks they got almost had Samantha on the floor, dying of laughter. Merle had snapped at them, then huffed and stomped off. Which left Samantha answering their question. “Why?” “When did this happen?” “Why Merle?” “Was she insane?” Of course, everyone would wonder why she would have done anything with the resident asshole of the group, but she couldn’t explain it. Carol was the only one who congratulated her instead of bombarding her with questions. Which caused everyone to turn on her with questions of their own. That had been Sam’s cue to escape and the conversation had never been brought up again.

Here they were at Hilltop, meeting with the leader that way they could discuss what to do about Negan. He had been in power too long. And had caused too much pain and heartache. Killed people they loved. Samantha hadn’t been expecting to see Daryl: since he had been taken in by Negan and the rest of the Saviors. But he had waltzed in. Merle had been by her side, but the moment Daryl’s face showed, he was gone and grabbing his brother in a bear hug. Samantha winced, seeing how Daryl looked but the man didn’t even flinch: all he did was return the hug. Questions were asked. Answers were given. And Merle was eyeing her. She knew why. Daryl would be her baby’s uncle and he was the only one who did not know since he had been captured by the Saviors before she found out. She mouthed a ‘Later’ to him which Daryl caught. He looked back and forth between them before arching a brow at Merle who only grinned and told him that he’d explain later. Daryl was back but since he had escaped that immediately made him a man that would be in trouble and would cause trouble for everyone if Negan found out where he was. The new man that Samantha barely knew -Jesus- explained about another community such as Hilltop and Alexandria named the Kingdom.

Said that Daryl could go there for sanctuary and to possibly get the Kingdom to join in their war against the Saviors. Merle immediately argued with that. He had just gotten his brother back and they wanted to throw him on someone else. Samantha rolled her eyes, bringing a palm to her face. Finally, Merle had told Daryl that he didn’t care what he said that him and Samantha were coming with him. “Excuse me? Don’t just decide things for people as if they don’t have the balls to stand up to you.” Merle’s eyes darkened as he took a step forward. Samantha did not back down, instead she took her own step forward, ready to lash out if need be. Rick immediately got in between both of them, “Ok. That’s enough you two. Daryl needs to go to Kingdom. Merle can go but Samantha is her own woman. She makes her own choice.” Samantha smirked, ‘Damn right I am. But if someone is going to miss me that much I suppose I could come hold your hand, Merle darling.” “As long as it’s this hand” Merle growled, brandishing his knife arm. “Ooh kinky.” That look from Daryl was back, tenfold this time. The poor man. Missed so much in such little time. Rick shook his head, standing down as he realized that things weren’t going to escalate. They spoke a little bit more about everything before Daryl, Mele and Sam were heading towards Kingdom.

Immediately Daryl had stopped, turned towards them, and asked what the hell was going on between them. Samantha pretended to think for a minute before answering, “Merle and I have sex….and I guess you can say we are together. Oh yeah by the way congrats: you’re an Uncle.” She moved past the beyond shocked Daryl Dixon who frantically looked at Merle as if he was going to say, ‘Nah she’s just joking.’ But nothing came from Merle’s mouth, instead he shrugged, gave Daryl a look that said ‘She ain’t lying’ then walked past him, patting his shoulder to bring him out of his stupor. He turned on his heels and stalked after them, asking a million questions of his own. The same questions that the rest of the group had. Samantha shook her head, chuckling to herself as Daryl tried to wrap his mind around what was going on. This was her small family now. She started this whole journey mourning her husband and son, trying to find Shane and now here she was: pregnant with her second child and with Merle Dixon of all people. Samantha was happy. But she wouldn’t be for long. The moment she walked into the Kingdom her life would be changed. A yelled ‘Sam’ and seconds later she was lifted up into strong arms. Merle’s yelled, “Hey!” was drowned out by lips on her’s. She immediately pushed away, her eyes widening as she looked into the eyes of the man she had married. Her husband was alive.

Merle was shoving the man back, pushing Sam behind him, a snarl on his lips. Sam was shoving him out of the way, one question on her mind “Where’s Cain?” “He’s alive. Playing with some friends. He’d be so happy to see you: we thought you were dead.” Well at the moment she kind of wished that she were. She was going to have to explain to Merle just who this man was. And then she would have to explain to her husband who Merle was. And that she was sleeping with him and got pregnant with his child. Her gaze went over to Merle’s, the look on her face keeping him from saying anything more as she quickly followed after her husband to where her son was. She could hear Merle swearing behind her, and Daryl trying to calm him down. Merle knew about her husband and son: she had told him about them when they were at Woodbury. And he was a smart man, so he had put two and two together. Now if only he didn’t think that she was lying to him. Sam really did think her husband was dead. And her child. She had saw the bloodied clothes, her door had been wide open and there was a walker inside of her own home. She truly had thought they had perished in the beginning of the outbreak. “Mom? MOM!” She immediately fell to her knees, wrapping her arm around her boy. He had grown. Obviously. It had been a good few years since the last time she saw him. Tears fell down her face as she hugged him tightly.

For a good few minutes, she just stayed there like that before she was pulling back, “Cain…. I need you to go back to your friends. I’ve got to talk to your father.” Cain frowned for a second before she was watching him run off, excited to tell his friends just who that woman was. She stood up after taking a deep breath, turning towards him “Mark…. We need to talk.” “Let me guess. It’s about that man?” Samantha nodded. “You two been sleeping together?” The question was surprisingly not full of hate or disgust: but one of understanding. She looked at him, confusing bright as daylight on her face. “You thought I was dead. And during a time of tragedy like this: you look for someone to comfort it. I get it. I saw it in my patients after they lost a loved one. You thought you lost two of them. Me and Cain.” Right. He had been a psychologist before all this shit had happened. Of course, he would be understanding. But that didn’t make anything better. She was still pregnant and had fallen for Merle for some ungodly reason. “Mark. I’m pregnant.” There. Surprise was written on his face. “Ok…. Well okay. There is nothing we can do about that. I’m not going to say I am happy to hear that, but I won’t tell you to get rid of him. He can be a father to his child.” He wasn’t understanding it. “Mark I can’t just.” He cut her off before she could finish. “Yes, you can. I’m your husband. He’s just a thug you got attached to. It’s an easy choice on just who you should be with.”

“He’s not a thug. He’s an asshole yes, but he’s more then what he shows.” “Okay. I have upset you. I am sorry. But as I said we are married. Have a son together. The choice is obvious.” Mark nodded, as if they had decided on something. “He can be in the child’s life. You’ll just have to be gentle when you tell him that it’s over between the both of you.” She tried saying more but he was passing by her before she could. She stood there, staring at the back of the man she had wed just outside of their high school years. He might not be angry with her, but he didn’t understand how she felt in the end: it was always that way. She didn’t know what to do. For the first time since the beginning of the outbreak, Samantha Jayne Walsh had no clue on what she was going to do. Mark was right. They were married, been together since middle school, had a child together. Merle and Samantha had been sleeping together for a couple of months, and she was pregnant with his child. It should have been an easy decision, but it was not. She slowly put one foot in front of the other and headed back to where she had last seen Merle. She didn’t find him, but she heard where he had headed off to: to see King Ezekiel about the Saviors. When she finally found him, she stayed back and watched. Once the meeting was over and it was decided that Daryl could stay in the Kingdom, Samantha tried signaling Merle. He looked at her, then turned and walked away. Her face fell and a lump raised in her throat. Daryl looked torn for a second, as if he didn’t know what to do before he was giving her an apologetic look and following after his brother. She had to lean against something because her knees were going to buckle. It looked like Merle decided for her. And she knew how stubborn he was.

Demonic Soul


Apr 26th 2020 - 10:58 PM

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Samantha sat in a bathroom, her hands shaking as she brought them up to her mouth: waiting. What was she waiting for? Hopefully a negative. Sam had missed her cycle. A couple of days would not have worried her. But almost a whole month and nothing? That had only happened to her once in her life and that was when she found out her and her husband were expecting a bouncing baby. She could not be pregnant. She was in an undead apocalypse after all. It was hard to keep herself safe and the people she cared about safe. Now she needed to keep a baby safe and sound? That was impossible in the time where quiet would save your life. Well not too impossible: Judith was still alive and well despite being a child in this apocalypse. How long had it been since she sat down in this bathroom, just staring at the strip that was now sitting on the sink: ready for Sam to pick it up. She squeezed her eyes shut, curing her stupidity for sleeping with Merle. Without protection! What had she been thinking? What had Merle been thinking? Obviously, nothing that would help them. She opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and picked it up: only to drop it seconds later. Two pink lines. She was pregnant. Again. She slid off of the toilet and onto the floor, fear filling her thoughts. What was she going to do? She could not sneak off and go to a doctor to take care of this….and it was too late for the after-morning pill. She winced as she bounced her head against the toilet as she threw it back.

She finally stood up on shaking knees, not knowing what she was going to say. She did not know who to tell. The group was still mourning the death of Glenn and Abraham. And Daryl being taken by those Saviors. Merle had almost been killed because he was not going to let them take Daryl without a fight if it had not been for Sam’s quick talking. Why Negan had listened to her when she told him not to kill Merle instead of doing exactly what he had done to the other two, she did not know but she was not going to argue with it. She was still alive. Merle was still alive. Now she had to tell him. Immediately the thought of it had Sam spinning on her feet, knees slamming against the ground as she lost what meal she had eaten earlier that day. Her nose scrunched up as the last of the bile left her stomach. She wiped at her mouth with some toilet paper before throwing it in the toilet and flushing it. F*** it. She was a big girl. She had done this before with her husband. She can do it again. She steeled herself, snatching up the test and standing up to walk out of the bathroom. She was a woman on a mission. Finding Merle easily, she grabbed him by the hand, excused him from the people around them and dragged him to the room they now shared. “Jesus f***, Samantha.” Merle snapped, jerking his hand out of her’s. He was on edge more than usual lately. Obviously because of Daryl.

Without a word, she shoved the pregnancy test into his hands. Merle looked at it as if it were something foreign: probably was to him. “Is this some sort of sick joke?” he snapped. Samantha was taken back by the question for a split second before anger filled her, “Excuse you!? Why the f*** would I joke about a pregnancy? Especially in a time like this?” “Oh, I don’t know…maybe because the attention isn’t on you.” The sound of Samantha slapping Merle was heard from outside. Tears filled her eyes before she was shoving past Merle and out of the room. She ignored the looks and questions that were given to her as she left the house, snatching up her bow and arrow. How dare that bastard accuse her of something like that. She understood that he was upset but to take it on her and to accuse her of something was going too damn far. She needed to get out of there. She needed out. She was halfway across the compound to the gate that would let her out when she felt a hand grab her wrist. She spun around, ready to hit whoever it was. She paused when she noticed Rick. “I can’t let you leave, Sam.” “Let me go. I am not someone you can order around.” “Sam!” The sound in Rick’s voice had her freezing. She had never heard it before. Not since she came back to the group and found out that Lori was dead.

“Glenn is dead. Abraham is dead. Daryl has been taken. And we are being forced by a dangerous bastard to do what he wants. I cannot…..I do not want another death in my group. Too many people have lost their lives to people out there and to those things.” Sam pulled her hand out of Rick’s grasp, her shoulders slumping as she lowered her head. She understood where he was coming from. She had lost her husband and child in the beginning of this, lost her brother Shane, the friends she had made at the Quarry, Woodbury and the Prison, and just recently had to watch two people get their heads bashed in by a baseball wielding psycho. There was no guarantee that Negan did not have people watching the compound. Or that her anger would blind her into being attacked by a walker. “What’s wrong? You don’t usually head out of Alexandria by yourself and definitely not at night.” Samantha plastered on a fake smile, “Just felt like killing me some walkers. But I guess it would be a dumb plan to do it in pitch blackness.” Rick knew there was more to it, but he knew better then to pry. He walked her back to the home, where Merle was waiting outside on the porch.

She tried stomping past him, but he quickly stopped that, glaring hard at Rick. “Sheriff.” Just because Merle had joined did not mean him and Rick liked each other. Rick looked at Sam, ready to intervene if she gave the nod or even a simple word. When she shook her head, Rick walked away towards the home he shared with Carl and Michonne. She had been surprised to learn that Michonne and Rick were together but didn’t have a comment on it. She looked back at Merle, waiting for whatever he wanted to say. “Are you really?” “Yes.” “Fuck…. what are we going to do?” Samantha shrugged, “I don’t know. All we can do is take it day by day.” Merle grunted, lost in his own thoughts. He finally spoke, “Well whatever happens…..I refuse to be my father.” Samantha nodded. It might not be ideal -her being pregnant- but it was too late to change now. Now she just had to tell everyone else: they would be really surprised. Except Carol. She knew about them because she lived with them.

Demonic Soul


Apr 5th 2020 - 9:05 AM

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What was it with their luck? Everywhere the group went, something happened to them. This time around they were all located at the Prison. It was going good despite knowing that the Governor was somewhere out there. Samantha had been ignoring Merle every chance she could get since she kissed him. He obviously and rightfully wanted to know why she had done that. Especially since she was treating him like the plague. She had no clue why in her worry she had kissed Merle. It wasn’t like she liked him or anything. Right? Right!? Now she didn’t know. Seeing Merle glancing around the cafeteria, obviously looking for her, she slipped out. She was going to hide somewhere. That was until the unthinkable happened. The Governor was back with a vengeance. The Governor had rammed into the gate surrounding the prison with a tank, bringing walkers in with him. It did not take long for the walkers (who were already becoming a huge problem even before the Governor attacked again) to overrun the prison. “Shit!” Samantha hissed, taking off down the hall. She needed to get her gun and her bow and arrows. She couldn’t be caught empty-handed with walkers. She skidded to a stop in front of her cell, threw the blanket out of the way and grabbed the essentials. 

She growl behind her had her quickly turning, a walker lunging at her. So, this was how she was going to die? Foolishly grabbing her stuff. Her hands came up, one hand grabbing the walker by its forehead, the other one trying to shove it back. Seconds which felt like hours went by before a blade pierced the head of the walker, instantly killing it. Her eyes were wide as she saw Merle put his foot on the back of the dead walker and pull his knife out of the walker’s head. “Guess it’s my turn to save your ass.” He smirked. She rolled her eyes, “Oh shut up.” Her gun was at her hip and her bow was on her back alongside the quiver of arrows. Merle pulled another knife from his boot, handing it to her hilt first. With all the walkers in the prison, she needed something quiet. And it would take too long for her to fire an arrow. She would be eaten before she could get one off. “Where is everyone?” Merle’s teeth clenched at the question before he was shrugging. He hated it just as much as Sam, not knowing if those they cared for was alive or not. She knew exactly who he worried about, “Come on. Daryl won’t let some pathetic walkers, or an asshole take him out. Let’s get out of here.” Merle grinned, “Yeah. You’re right.” And with that they banded together, somehow finding their way out of the prison without being killed by walkers or the Governor and his men.

A couple of weeks later
After the prison had cleared out of a lot of the walkers, Sam and Merle had went back inside. There was no sign of anyone. No Daryl. No Glenn and Maggie. No Rick or Carl. Nobody. At least they had found no bodies of the group, just random bodies of already decomposing bodies or the dead bodies of those foolish enough to join the Governor in the attack. With no tracks to follow, Merle and Sam were forced to keep moving: hoping that they would meet up with someone. They hadn’t. Instead they had met up with a community. Samantha was obviously and for good reasons wanted to ignore it and keep going. Merle was reluctant to follow her. They didn’t have to choose though. Someone had saw them. Samantha was gearing up for a fight, not knowing if this would be another Woodbury thing or something different. There had to be actual good people in the world that wasn’t in Rick’s group, right? The community was called Alexandria. It was ran by a woman named Deanna Monroe. It took a minute for Sam to be convinced to at least try to come into the community. She sat in the ‘office’ of Deanna: a camcorder on her for whatever reason. Deanna asked her a bunch of questions, from who Samantha was before the outbreak, what had happened to her during the outbreak. Samantha gave her the minimal when it came to the questions, not knowing if Deanna would use them against her or not.

She was being led out when Merle was coming in. She grabbed his arm, “Try not to be too much of an asshole” Merle smirked, “Who? Me? I would never.” “Liar.” Sam huffed, leaving the house. She refused to leave the outside of the home until Merle had come back out: not trusting these people. The fact that they had taken their weapons immediately upon entrance had her even more on edge.  She looked up at the creaking of a door opening, watching Merle come out. “Thought you would be getting some much-needed rest.” “I don’t trust these people. I refused to leave until you were done.” Merle rolled his eyes but said nothing. He knew where she was coming from. He didn’t trust these people either. And he was feeling naked without the knife on his stump. They were escorted to a house, told that Deanna would go over their interviews and determine if they would be an integral part of the community or they would be given back their weapons and sent their way.
The next day
Samantha was not expecting to see Rick and the group for some time or ever at this point. They could be anywhere or even dead. Deanna herself had come to tell Merle and Samantha that they would be staying if they so pleased. When Sam asked for her weapons back, she refused. Telling them that there was no reason to have weapons on them. The community was well-guarded. Samantha went to argue but Merle stopped her. When he became the trusting one with a level head on his shoulder and she became the person who was wary of everyone she did not know. The next day Samantha and Merle had been given chores to do. Samantha did not like it. She might be a female but that didn’t mean she would be washing people’s clothes or do any of those female-like stuff. Merle had laughed when Sam told Deanna “No” and then demanded to do something else. Deanna looked like she wanted to argue with her but thought against it. She pointed both Merle and Samantha into the right direction before excusing herself. They began to walk, stopping when the doors to Alexandria were opening. Samantha wasn’t expecting anything special to come through the gates, but she stopped in her tracks.

Walking into the community was none other then Rick and the rest of the group: plus a few others. She felt Merle stride past her, and it took a second for her to also sprint forward. Her gaze went over the group, watching them see her and Merle coming towards them. Daryl was meeting Merle halfway, arm clasped around each other as the brother’s subtly made sure the other was good. Samantha kept forward, stopping in front of Rick. “So, you survived?” She smiled, “Good.” She found Carl and Judith in the group, glad to see that whatever had happened they kept the baby alive. The baby might or might not be her niece after all. Although she made sure to keep that thought to herself. Samantha leaned inwards, “Be careful of these people. I don’t trust them…not yet. They’re too nice.” She straightened up, “Good to see all of you alive and well. Knowing what this community likes to do: we will see you after your auditions” She put auditions into quotation marks before she was stepping aside and letting Rick and his group go towards Deanna’s house. Merle looked at her, “Well now that that surprise is done with.” She nodded, heading with Merle towards the field that was located in the compound.

They got to work. Samantha kept checking over her shoulder, hoping that she would see Rick or one of the others. “If they get kicked out…we’re going with them, right?” Merle looked at her and snorted, “Of fucking course we are going with them. I don’t trust those bastards.” Samantha smiled. She should have known better then to ask that question. The rest of the day was spent doing what Deanna gave them to do. Once they were finished, Merle and Sam made their way back to the house. They saw Daryl and Carol along the way. Looked like Deanna had sent them to stay at the same house Merle and Sam were staying at. Maybe the people at the gates had told her of the meeting that happened at the gates. Samantha walked up the stairs, nodded at both Carol and Daryl before she was heading into the home. She was dreadfully tired. It was time for at least a little bit of a nap. Then she would wash up. She collapsed into her bed, not moving to pull the blanket over her. As soon as she closed her eyes, she was out like a lamp. Hours later she woke up and nearly screamed. She had come face to face with Merle. She scrambled up the bed, almost lashing out with her foot. “Jesus fucking Christ, Merle.” She gasped, holding her chest. Merle was laughing before he finally stopped. “So, cupcake.” She grimaced at the ridiculous nickname Merle had started to call her. “I think it’s time you and I discuss a small kiss that happened after the Governor tried to kill me.” Samantha groaned, covering her face as she leaned back against the wall. Of course, he would do this right here and now. He never did have any tact.

She shifted, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” “Samantha.” The tone in his voice had her looking up at him, before sighing “It was a spur of the moment type of thing. I was worried and very much relieved when I realized you were not dead.” She leaned her head against the wall, gaze up on the ceiling. “I never worried about anyone but myself and my brother. Then Rick killed Shane. I was alone. For the first time since the outbreak I was truly alone. I stumbled my way through each day, somehow surviving until I came to Woodbury.” She lowered her head, gaze on Merle. “Then some sexist, racist, asshole redneck came into the clinic and started talking to me. And for the first time in a long while it felt like I was not alone. Sure, you started talking to me because of Daryl but after I gave you my answer you could have just kept to yourself.” She brought her knees up to her chest, wrapping her arms around them. “So…. you would have kissed Rick or just about anybody because you were relieved?” Samantha’s nose scrunched up, “Ew. I would never kiss the man who killed my brother in cold blood or anyone else that was okay with it. I might have forgiven Rick but that doesn’t mean shit.” Merle laughed at the look on her face.

“I haven’t felt so worried about someone since the world ended and I was rushing home to my son and husband.” She looked at him, “I don’t know what it is about you. Outside of the apocalypse I would have hated your guts. I was the little sister of an asshole cop. You were a drug dealer in trouble with the law more then anyone could count. I was a nurse, trying to be a doctor. You were a sexist asshole.” Merle nodded, “Yeah. Sounds about right.” Samantha shook her head, her gaze on Merle as they fell into a comfortable silence. There was something more she wanted to say but did not know how to say it. She hadn’t felt this comfortable with someone since she had met her husband so long ago. Merle went to stand up and before Samantha knew it, she was grabbing him by the shirt and pulling him into a kiss. This one lasted longer then the first one and involved tongue as Merle body loomed over her. One thing led to another and they both found themselves devoid of clothes and getting to know each other intimately. If someone had told Samantha when she had first met Merle at the quarry that they would eventually get close enough to have sex, she would have laughed then punched the person in the face.

They wore each other out and fell asleep. The next time Samantha woke up, she was curled up into Merle’s chest, his arm around her shoulders. Her face scrunched up, the smell of sex strong in the air. She silently pulled herself away from Merle, wrapping a spare blanket around her as she exited her room and into the bathroom across the hall. She turned on the shower and stepped inside. Her and Merle had sex. Just what had she been thinking? A simple conversation had turned into something so carnal. So…so satiable. She stood under the running water, hands on the tiled wall and head underneath the water. She stood there for a while, just letting everything go through her mind. Everything had happened so quickly…but it felt so right. Damn. As if the apocalypse wasn’t wonky enough. Now she had to add these new feelings into the mixture. She had to pull herself out of her thoughts before she said, ‘Fuck it’ and went back into the bedroom with Merle. “Damn it, Samantha Jayne Walsh…. Just what did you get yourself into? Shane would kill you if he was alive and here.” It was too late to take it back and even if Sam wanted to, she wouldn’t

Demonic Soul


Mar 23rd 2020 - 1:02 AM

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What was Merle thinking! That same thought ran through Samantha’s mind as she raced out of her cell, gun tucked against her side and her bow and arrows on her back. She ignored everything around her as her mind was on one thing: Saving that asshole Merle’s behind. The note she had been reading moments before laid forgotten on the floor. The words ‘Watch my brother’s back for me’ the last thing Samantha had read. He was going after the Governor. She just knew it. Now was not the time for Merle to be a martyr. She refused to allow it. If she could rescue that bastard, she would do everything in her power. She did not know where he was, but she did overhear a conversation between Rick, Merle, Daryl and Hershel about the katana-wielding woman. She racked her brains for a moment before remembering that there was an area that they were supposed to take her where the Governor waited. She knew the man enough to know that he was not going to play fair. She knew that it was an ambush and judging by that note Merle left behind, the man himself knew it too.

“Damn it, Merle” she growled, slipping out of the gate. She never prayed before but she sure as hell was praying now as she ran: not knowing if she was going in the right direction or not. Until she ran into Michonne. All the other woman did was point and Sam was sending a quick ‘Thank you’ over her shoulder at the woman. Maybe there was a God and maybe he was actually listening to her for once. Loud music hit her ears, making her skid to a stop. A small smile fell upon her lips and she almost laughed if it wouldn’t have gotten the attention of stragglers. “Merle you son of a bitch. What a way for some of these poor bastards to go.” She murmured, arming herself before she slipped her way. A shout that Samantha just knew came from Merle caught her attention. She came upon Merle, the Governor and three other men. The Governor was raising his hand, pistol gleaming in the sun. She armed her bow, aimed her shot and fired. The arrow flew and embedded itself in the Governor’s hand as he pulled the trigger.

Time stood still for a split second, no sound could be heard. Then everything came back. The Governor swore, Merle fell to the ground, the other three men whipped around. By that time Sam had the bow ready for another. One of the men let out a gurgle as her arrow found its home in his throat. The Governor shouted for his remaining men to kill whoever it was as he clutched his hand to his chest: her arrow laid forgotten as he moved. Retreating like a coward. First, he tried ambushing them then he ran once the tide had turned. This would not be the last time the Governor would be around. Taking care of the last man standing the same way she took care of the last one, she shouldered her bow and ran towards the fallen Merle. She dropped to her knees, a wild smile breaking across her face at the glare Merle was giving her. He was grasping his shoulder, “What the fuck are you doing here? You’re an idiot.” Samantha saw red for a second as her fist connected with his face.

He reeled back, ready to mouth off when Sam grabbed him by his face and without thinking about it kissed him. She could feel Merle jerking backwards and she cleared her throat, licking her lips: almost laughing out loud at the look on Merle’s face. “What the fuck!?” That she did laugh at before she was getting up. “Let’s go. There are stragglers here. We need to go. I am sure they’re going to be attracted by your blood.” Merle snorted, “They ain’t the only ones.” Samantha laughed, slapped him on his good shoulder before she was helping him up. Well there might be a god after all. Or she was just real fucking lucky. She would have to thank Michonne: if not for her she would not have known just where to go. It was time to go back to the prison and tell Rick the truth about their supposed meeting with the Governor. “You’re the idiot by the way. And how dare you leave that message for me under my pillow.” Merle smirked, “Only way I knew you would get it. Now shut up” Samantha huffed. Merle owed her. He owed her big time.

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