Alex Smith.

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April 23rd, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 27
Sign: Libra
Country: United Kingdom

Signup Date:
August 11, 2015


08/19/2017 06:44 PM 

The Cinema

It had been close to a day since Alex had revealed to his father that Clara had his TARDIS key; but his lie had worked for the most part. He hadn't heard a word from him since he'd pinned him to the floor and subsequently broken his nose, which had healed for the most part (thank god that Time Lords had the ability to heal fast), although it was still a bit sore. Alex guessed his dad had been running around trying to figure out how Clara could be watching him ... and it made him giggle, since he was getting worked up over nothing. He still had the earpiece and he didn't intend to give it up any time soon. All he could do was wait; the Doctor had mentioned another adventure ... what and where, he had no idea.


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Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 6:09 PM

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"Well, at least he actually prepared me for the shit you put me through on a daily basis." He sighed and started walking to his room. "Let me guess ... go to my room, you don't want to hear me, you don't want to see me, I'm a disgrace, a waste of space, wish you weren't my father. I get it. I'll just sit in my room and think about what you've done. But I hope your conscience (if you even have one in that twisted little brain of yours) comes back to haunt you and you never get a wink of sleep for as long as you live."

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 5:34 PM

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"I'm pretty sure Jenny would have run away from you too. Anybody would, even Rose, and she doesn't give up easily. When I'm being forced to watch you take the lives of the innocent, I think I'm perfectly justified wanting to put as much distance between us as possible. If this were Earth, I'd have been taken away from you by now and you'd be rotting in prison." He rolled his eyes as his father compared him to the Master. "Well, at least he bothers to listen to me. He's a prick, sure, but at least he knows how it feels to be treated like a freak or to constantly be beaten round the head with your mistakes."

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 11:31 AM

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"Oh, but you do need someone. Cause even in this state that you're in, you're still so alone. They don't call you the Lonely Angel for nothing ... well, more like Lonely Demon now. Cause you've spent so much of your life in this incarnation being alone; finding someone, then losing them and constantly having to travel alone. I'm turning out to be the one and only constant in your life, Dad; your son, who will stand by you no matter what. Dimension cannons and vortex manipulators are nothing compared to what I would do to get back to you if we were ever separated. Crush me all you want, Dad, I'll just get right back up and keep going."

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 10:55 AM

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"Oh, but I do matter. I have always mattered to you; ever since you picked me up as some plucky 18 year old from the streets of Cardiff, I have mattered to you. As much, or even more than Rose. Kill me and you kill the one chance you've got of not being the last of the Time Lords. And who cares about weapons? Weapons don't keep you warm at night, weapons don't support you. Family, however, does. Cause I'm going to fight, Dad ... fight tooth and nail against what you're doing now."

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 10:38 AM

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"Oh, but you wouldn't kill me," Alex said determinedly. "Then you'd be stuck with Rose, and she wouldn't regenerate if you killed her. You wouldn't have the entertainment value of being able to kill her thirteen times ... well, twelve, considering I've already used one regeneration." He glared at him. "You can say you hate me and would love to kill me all you want, Dad, but at the end of the day, I'm all you've got besides the Master. Do you really want to lose all that?"

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 10:18 AM

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Alex looked up at the Doctor, anger flashing in his eyes. "If you think I'm going to bear witness to that, you've got another thing coming. I'm not being your slave anymore. I won't stand by and let you take innocent lives. That is not what you're about ... but I guess I got that wrong. I idolized you, Dad ... but that was all a massive waste of time." When the Doctor spoke about the child, it just made him angrier. "YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO KILL HIM! THAT'S SOMEONE'S SON YOU JUST MURDERED!" He looked at his father, seething with anger. "I should make you go to the funeral, you bastard."

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 9:41 AM

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Everything just seemed to happen in a blur. First Alex was standing over the dying child, and then he was running for his life. He clutched at his father's hand as he allowed himself to be pulled out of the cinema, smelling the cordite from the guns going off and the screams of the security guards as they went down. When they got back on the TARDIS, he leaned against one of the guardrails, trying to catch his breath. "Disappointing? You just killed a child, Dad! What the fuck were you thinking?"

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 9:14 AM

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Following the Doctor out of the cinema, everything happened so fast. All of a sudden, the gun was out and the cashier had stumbled backwards, blood splattering the wall behind him. Before Alex could do anything, the Doctor had walked over to the queue of children and had shot one of them dead. "NO!" Alex shouted, rushing up to the Doctor and trying to grab the gun, but he was too quick. Alex could do nothing but look at the child on the floor, crying for his mother and clutching his bleeding wound. It looked serious and he probably wouldn't make it, and Alex immediately started crying. "What have you done?!" he cried, clutching a hand to his mouth. "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE, YOU BASTARD!" he said, running to the exit with the Doctor. "YOU KILLED AN INNOCENT CHILD ... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 8:46 AM

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Alex mumbled in approval as he slowly drifted off to sleep. The movie was pretty boring, since he was drifting off after the first 20 minutes; that and he was just tired from lack of sleep and nerves. He felt the first piece of popcorn hit him, but when the Doctor threw the entire tub over him, he jerked awake, tossing popcorn everywhere. He picked up a few pieces and ate them hungrily, since this was all he was going to get for the foreseeable future. He wiped himself down, stood up and followed his father out of the cinema, wondering what on earth he was going to do next.

Alex Smith.


Aug 21st 2017 - 8:18 AM

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Alex looked at the tub of popcorn in the Doctor's lap and wished he could have some. He hadn't eaten in a while, and he wasn't getting any dinner when they got back so he was destined for starve for the rest of the day. He was starting to get thirsty too, and he would have given anything for an ice cold bottle of Dr Pepper, but of course he wouldn't get that even if he asked. He just tried to concentrate on the adverts, and when those ended, the movie. All the shapes on the screen started to blur and before he knew it, he was asleep, his head getting dangerously close to falling onto his father's shoulder.


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