Whitney Anne Collins


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December 5th, 2023

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Gender: Female
Age: 32
Sign: Aquarius
Country: United States

Signup Date:
July 29, 2014


10/06/2015 02:18 PM 

Task 48

Whitney had never been one for Halloween.  It was a little ridiculous, with everyone trying to outdo each other with the goriest and most disgusting costumes and decorations.  Truthfully, Whitney also hated Halloween because she scared easily. After all, she had missed most of Sweeney Todd the first time around because she had been covering her own eyes.  But during a company party for the blasted holiday, Whitney was walking around mingling, and had just found herself amidst a swarm of pleas for a ghost story.  Whitney considered her choices. She didn't want to tell a long, drawn out story. Not that her limited creativity for the evening could even come up with one. Finally, with a sigh of resignation, the blonde relaxed into the throne set up on the stage and smiled at her guests.

"Once upon a time," she began thoughtfully.  "A little girl was determined to walk downstairs to the basement.  Her mother had never allowed her to go down there, and she had always wondered why.  When she was absolutely sure that the house was silent, she crept out of bed and tiptoed to the entrance of the basement.  Hearing a strange whimpering from downstairs, the little girl paused. They didn't have a dog, and yet there was a little puppy crying for attention.  She opened the door very slowly to help the poor thing.  Suddenly, her mother jolted her backwards, yanking her away from the vision."

Whitney paused, hoping it added dramatic effect. God, she hated these things. Then she continued.  "The mother screamed at her for disobeying her orders. But the little girl only insisted that she had wanted to help the puppy. Her mother ordered her to go back to bed, stating that they didn't have a dog. As her mother gave her a cookie and sent her on her way, the little girl went back to bed. It had never occurred to her to ask why the little boy in the basement was making such strange noises...or why he didn't have any hands or feet." Whitney smiled as the story ended.  "The end," she murmured.


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