Anakin Skywalker

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April 21st, 2024

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Gender: Male
Age: 35
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 13, 2012


03/13/2012 02:44 PM 

Path to Redemption- Anakin's Chapter

[02:00, Anakin groaned as he'd barely managed to get more than two hours of sleep. He'd been lying awake for at least three or four hours now mulling over things, figuring out where he wanted to go from where he currently was in his life. He found his thoughts focusing mostly on those who meant the most to him, his angels as he called them. Sitting on the edge of his bed he rested his head in his hands sighing heavily. Seeing their faces as clearly he would if they were standing before him was torturing the elder Master. He kept trying to push the images out of his mind only to have them return moments later even more vividly and forcefully.Growing irritated he found himself torn from his thoughts by the sound of R2 screaming as he triggered Anakin's door. Rolling his eyes he knew something had to have gone wrong if his droid was trying this hard to get his attention.]

"Calm down R2 you've got my attention."

[Trying not to show his irritation he listened to R2's report silently cursing himself that he didn't think to keep the Executor operating under stealth as it entered Republic held space. He sighed heavily as he left his quarters to return to the bridge. His dark robe billowing behind him as he made his way through the corridors. Though he'd spent most of his life fighting wars and barking orders he never felt comfortable on the bridge of a ship.... it was too safe for his liking he decided. He much preferred being in the thick of the chaos, fighting instead of telling others how they should fight.

Pausing a moment as he heard his commander step onto the bridge, Admiral Piett bowed his head slightly as he dismissed the Lieutenant he'd been speaking with in order to turn his attention to Anakin.]

"So far they have made no move to attack us my lord. They've hailed us several times wishing to speak with you in order to verify your intentions. The Republic forces seem to be willing to stand down and allow us safe passage."

[Folding his arms across his chest Anakin felt pensive after hearing his second in command's report. It was rare the Republic allowed Imperial vessels to cross their space without being hassled in some manor. Pacing silently as he considered his options for a moment he decided it was best for now to avoid anything that may provoke hostilities between the two fleets.]

"Return their hail. If we can avoid hostilities by explaining our intentions so be it."


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