Anakin Skywalker

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Gender: Male
Age: 35
Sign: Libra
Country: United States

Signup Date:
March 13, 2012


03/13/2012 02:42 PM 

The Return of Skywalker

[Anakin had been missing from the galaxy for nearly twenty years, spending time in isolation focusing on himself. Though he'd withdrawn from the world around him he'd kept his eye on the day to day events of the Republic as well as the Imperial forces. Seeing disorder beginning to arise in both convinced him it was time to step in, making his presence known once again.

Contacting his small fleet he alerted them to have his ship ready for his return as he wanted to set course for Coruscant immediately. Hoping to find a few of his former allies, hoping they hadn't given up on him. Gathering his belongings he quietly packed them as he tried to plan his first steps. He was aware that he was seen as a traitor by both the Republic for his actions during the final days of the Clone Wars, and the Empire for numerous transgressions against the various power holders over the years. Reflecting on his past caused a heavy sigh to escape his lips as he realized he was a wanted man by those he'd once proclaimed loyalty to. His thoughts also drifted to a family he'd long ago left behind; a daughter he'd walked away from in order to protect, a wife he'd given his heart to at a young age who'd stood by him through everything.]


[Speaking her name for the first time in twenty years brought a smile to his face. It was no secret that they'd endured hell together always looking to one another for strength. He'd helped her survive as a slave on Tatooine, together they'd helped one another reach Knighthood within the Jedi Order....]

"And together we fell to the darkness within us. I wonder if she's still angry with me for leaving her behind?"

[He asked himself aloud. Looking out his window at the night sky's of Tatooine he continued to muse about his life. Anakin secretly hoped that his decision to leave their Couruscant apartment all those years ago hadn't pushed her over the edge, causing her to give in to the rage within her. As it would cause her to return to her position as a Sith'ari known as Lady Nikita Vader. Lowering his head he could feel his guilt once again making itself known.

Allowing himself to be consumed by his emotions for a few minutes he sighed heavily as he sat down on the edge of his bed. Resting his head in his hands he pushed his thoughts and emotions out of his mind, preventing them from clouding his intentions. Giving himself time to focus on meditating he felt his spirits begin to lift again, his guilt fleeing from him once more. His trademark smirk returned to his lips as he rose to his feet, grabbing his belongings as he left the small house that had belonged to his mother when he was a child. Approaching his fighter he heard R2 begin to question where they were going, he didn't respond immediately as he worked to secure his belongings within the tight confines of his Delta.]

"We're leaving to rejoin the fleet. They're planning on jumping to Coruscant as soon as we're on board, R2. I think we've been hiding long enough."

[Listening to his friend's protests he shook his head in disbelief. He could understand R2 being worried about capture but Anakin wasn't afraid of that. He'd spent most of his life fighting for one cause or another, he wasn't going to allow fear to stand in his way now.

Finishing securing his things as well as running pre-flight checks Anakin strapped himself in, gunning the throttles as he was eager to reach the Executor before dawn. He felt it was time for him to leave his childhood home for the last time, never to return again unless to aide it in times of war. It took him little time to reach Tatooine's gravity well, ignoring the local flight control as he flew through it without clearance. Within a few moments he saw the massive destroyer looming over him as he cut the engines of his fighter just before entering the hanger only pulsing them to soften his landing.

Once he was on board he freed himself from his fighter, quickly making his way to the bridge. He didn't plan on staying there long, as his second in command was more than capable of handling things without his presence to keep the rest of the crew in line. Anakin only wanted to make sure things were in order before he retired to his quarters. As his second noticed him enter the bridge he bowed slightly in greeting before reporting that all ships were ready to depart as ordered. Content to hear that things were on schedule Anakin left Admiral Piett in charge with orders not to disturb him unless the fleet was attacked or they reached their destination.

Spending several hours alone in his quarters he allowed himself to get lost in meditation. His mind open completely to the Force, allowing it to roam where ever its will wished it to go. For the first time in years he felt himself at peace with much of his past, though he knew he still had plenty to answer for.]

At least I'll never have to answer for the crimes I committed against Palpatine. I hope to never cross paths with him or his allies again.

[He took comfort in the thought that his former Master had met his end, though he wished he could have made him suffer just as he had because of Palpatine's lies. Shaking the thought from his mind he reminded himself that a Jedi didn't focus on revenge, they worked hard to forgive those around them instead. As he slipped deeper into his meditation he could feel something nagging at him, an unseen threat that had yet to present itself to him. Focusing on it he hoped to discover what it was in order to be prepared to face it when the time came. Taking a deep breath he continued to narrow his focus only to see the Dark Side clouding everything. Releasing his breath slowly he drew himself out of meditation, sensing his ship making the reversion to sub-lights over the massive city planet.

Calling his hilt to his outstretched left hand he regained his feet, clipping it to its proper place on his belt. Anakin didn't bother informing R2 he was planning on departing without him. Throwing his robe on as he approached the lifts that would take him to his fighter he did his best to push his worries aside knowing it wouldn't do any good to focus on something he couldn't pinpoint. Smirking as Obi-Wan's voice echoed in his head reminding him of an old lesson; your thoughts in the end make your reality if you aren't careful. He couldn't help but shake his head and think that even without being next to his former Master it didn't save him from the many lectures of Obi-Wan.

The lift slid open as he reached the hangers only to find that R2 had been one step ahead of him this time. As the droid was already waiting for him in the hanger.]


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