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02/20/2012 02:49 PM 

Facebook Adventures part1

Hey there. A while ago, I started writing a Facebook/Glee crossover. I'll admit, I'm not too keen on the first chapter, but the rest is better. I promise you. 

Now I am a massive Puckurt fan, which you'll notice in this chapter. Enjoy :)


Kurt Hummel Just joined Facebook

 Noah Puckerman Just talked my lovely boyfriend into making Facbook.
Mercedes Jones: It's about time, after what, months of telling him to.
Noah Puckerman: Shhh, don't tell the whole world.

Kurt Hummel
is now friends with Noah Puckerman and 14 other people.

Kurt Hummel
Is still learning the ropes of this facebook thing.
Noah Puckerman Luckily he has his boyfriend helping him.
Rachel Berry Oh your such a helpful boy, Puckerman.
Noah Puckerman Well, I do try.

Kurt Hummel
Is in a relationship with Noah Puckerman.
Artie Abrahams Finally.
Kurt Hummel About what?
Artie Abrahams You two are finally in a proper relationship, bro.
Kurt Hummel What do you mean? We've been in a proper relationship for three months now.
Mike Chang No, but your finally facebook official. That's really what counts in this generation.
Kurt Hummel I don't see how being facebook official would change anything.
Artie Abrahams It just does, dude.

Santana Lopez
to Kurt Hummel I guess now you and Puckerman are official, that cancels our make-out session later, right?
Noah Puckerman and 7 other people like this.
Kurt Hummel What make-out session?! Santana! We never planned one!
Santana Lopez Yeah, don't you remember? We had one for this afternoon.
Noah Puckerman Oh Kurt. If you liked Santana you should have told me. We could organise a three-some if you want?
Santana Lopez and 3 other people like this.
Kurt Hummel Dead to me.

Noah Puckerman
Has anyone got any advice on how to get a stubborn teenager to talk to you?
Quinn Fabray Well, not suggesting a three-some might help.
Noah Puckerman Is it my fault if I thought he might like it?
Rachel Berry You don't honestly think a gay boy would like a three-some with his boyfriend and their FEMALE friend!
Kurt Hummel likes this.
Noah Puckerman I was trying to expand his boundaries.
Mercedes Jones I'll expand your boundaries in a minute.
Brittany Pierce Puck has boundaries?

Kurt Hummel
Is still not talking to two people.
Mercedes Jones and 14 other people like this.
Noah Puckerman Aww, come on, babe. You love me anyway.
Mercedes Jones Don't make me go all black girl on your ass.
Noah Puckerman No thanks. My ass is for one person only ;) Right, Kurt Hummel?
Sam Evans Whoa dude. I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.
Finn Hudson and 13 other people like this.

Finn Hudson
I feel like I should I should give my bestfriend the protection speech, since he's dating my step brother.
Mercedes Jones and Kurt Hummel like this.
Noah Puckerman Dude. No need. I wouldn't hurt your step brother. Besides, I'm sure I could beat you in a fight.
Santana Lopez Not from what I remember about last year. I'm pretty sure Finn beat you into the ground.
Noah Puckerman That's because he had the surprise advantage.
Sam Evans What happened last year?
Santana Lopez Finn kicked Puck's ass because Puck made Quinn pregnant.
Brittany Pierce There's a fight happening?
Kurt Hummel Is bored.
Noah Puckerman Wait there. I'll bring Santana Lopez with me and we can start that three-some.
Santana Lopez Likes this.
Kurt Hummel Still dead to me.

Noah Puckerman
Quick, how do you get into someones house without getting arrested?
Rachel Berry Well, generally people ring the door bell or knock on the door.
Noah Puckerman Funny Berry. I mean if they aren't answering.
Mercedes Jones You better not be where I think you are, white boy. I will cut you.

Kurt Hummel
Quick, how do you get rid of someone who keeps knocking on your front door?
Noah Puckerman Well, most people answer their door.
Kurt Hummel I'm not most people.
Noah Puckerman I'm not leaving until you open the door.
Quinn Fabray Well, I know how stubborn you both are, so this should be a fun filled night for you two.
Rachel Berry Don't forget you guys we have an early Glee practice in the morning. We have to practice for sectionals.

Kurt Hummel
Thinks I should just give up and let Noah Puckerman in.
Kurt Hummel What the?! I don't remember posting this.
Noah Puckerman You didn't. I helped you create your account, remember? I know what email you used and your password.

Noah Puckerman
I knew he couldn't stay mad forever. I have finally been let into the Hudmel home.
Kurt Hummel Only because I know Rachel Berry would skin you alive if you weren't properly rested for Glee tomorrow.
Rachel Berry and Quinn Fabray like this.
Rachel Berry That's true.
Kurt Hummel Screw being stubborn when it comes to Noah Puckerman. I like my cuddles too much.
Noah Puckerman and 16 other people like this.


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Feb 25th 2012 - 5:42 AM

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Thanks xD
You should read part 2 aswell
I'll update part 3 soon



Feb 21st 2012 - 5:46 PM

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Haha. I'm about to update the second chapter xD  And thanks :)

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